[Dec 2024]: Faria Farzana presented her paper “An Agent-based Model to Assess Interventions for Continuous Care of Cardiovascular Diseases after Natural Disasters” at the 2024 Winter Simulation Conference
[Dec 2024]: Senior Design (MoW) Team supervised by Dr. Perez won industry choice best industrial engineering project Fall 2024 [Emma Catron, Jestin Young, Brian Haupt]
[Nov 2024]: Md Yeasir Iqbal presented poster at the student poster session organized as part of the College of Science and Engineering Advisory Council meeting.
[Sep 2024]: Dr. Perez named THRC faculty fellow
[Sep 2024]: Dr. Perez named INFORMS Senior Member
[Sep 2024]: Graduate student Alakshendra Joshi got his paper published in the Int. J. Industrial and Systems Engineering
[July 2024]: Mrs. Faria Farzana successfully defended M.S. Thesis. Congratulations!
[June 2024]: Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) renewed funded contract for an additional year
[June 2024]: Dr. Pérez is promoted to the Professor rank.
[June 2024]: Texas State University IISE student chapter received Gold recognition award
[May 2024]: iMOSS Lab presented two talks at the 2024 IISE Annual conference.
[May 2024]: Lauren Cravy and Omar Torres, undergraduate research assistants, got accepted into the Department of Homeland Security Summer Research Program.
[June 2024]: Dr. Pérez is promoted to the Professor rank.
[June 2024]: Texas State University IISE student chapter received Gold recognition award

[May 2024]: iMOSS Lab presented two talks at the 2024 IISE Annual conference.

[May 2024]: Lauren Cravy and Omar Torres, undergraduate research assistants, got accepted into the Department of Homeland Security Summer Research Program.

[April 2024]: Undergraduate research assistant Diego Zertuche is named Outstanding student of the year of the Industrial Engineering Program at Texas State University
[March 2024]: Dr. Pérez and industrial engineering students visited Meals on Wheels central Texas to discuss operational improvements and the development of an App.

[Feb 2024]: Dr. Pérez provided a seminar presentation in the Department of Industrial Engineering at the Rochester Institute of Technology on Feb. 2, 2024.
[Nov 2023]: Dr. Pérez provided a seminar presentation in the Department of Industrial Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines on Nov. 30, 2023.

[May 2023]: Dr. Pérez is named Associate Editor of the INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics

May 2023 - Congratulations to Dr. Eduardo Pérez for receiving the IISE Outstanding Global Faculty Advisor Award! The award recognizes one advisor's commitment to education, personal, professional, and technical development of students in IISE related fields of interest

Mar 2023 - Dr. Perez receives DHS Grant - "Analyzing the Impact of Different Passenger Types when Allocating Airport Security Screening Resources in Security Terminal Checkpoints"

December 2022 - Pérez got his article “Modeling and Simulation of Food Bank Disaster Relief Operations” accepted for publication in the Sroceedings of the 2022 Winter Simulation Conference.

November 2022 - Pérez got his article “Analysis and Forecast of Donations at Domestic Hunger Relief Organizations Impacted by Natural Disasters” accepted for publication in the Socio-Economic Planning Sciences journal.

September 2022 - Pérez got his article “An Appointment Planning Algorithm for Reducing Patient Waiting Times in Multispecialty Outpatient Clinics” accepted for publication in the SN Operations Research Forum journal.

July 2022 Congratulations to our Industrial Engineering students Derek Martinez and Diego Zertuche for completing the 2022 U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Summer Research Team Program. It was a honor to mentor you during this Summer in collaboration with the Center for Accelerating Operational Efficiency (CAOE) .

May 2022 Congratulations to our Industrial Engineering students Holly Streber and Kayla Streber for winning the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (#IISE) Operations Research Division Undergraduate Student Research Dissemination Competition at the #IISEannual2022 Conference.
1st Place: Optimizing the Texas Trauma Network, Holly Streber and Kayla Streber, Texas State University, Advisor – Dr. Eduardo Pérez

April 2022 Dr. Pérez is now the faculty advisor for the Texas State University IISE Chapter #753

April 2022 Congratulations to my undergraduate students Diego Zertuche and Derek Martinez for being selected to participate in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Summer Research Team Program

April 2022 Congratulations to Mary Van, Kayla Streber, Holly Streber, and Ana Jimenez Rivera for being selected to represent Texas State University as one of the finalist teams for the IISE OR Division Undergraduate Student Research Dissemination Award.

January 2022 Dr. Eduardo Pérez is now the elected President of the INFORMS Minority Issues Forum (MIF).

December 2021 Congratulations to Mary Van, Kayla Streber, Holly Streber, and Ana Jimenez Rivera for wining the best Senior Design Project award in Industrial Engineering. I enjoyed working with you this past year as your faculty advisor.

October 2021 Scholarship and Award opportunities with the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers
- IISE's scholarship and fellowship program [Deadline: May 2, 2022]
- Outstanding IISE capstone senior design project [Deadline: May 2, 2022]
- IISE/Rockwell Undergraduate Student Simulation Competition [Deadline: January 7, 2022]
- Undergraduate Student Technical Paper Competition

August 2021 - Congratulations Monica Kothamasu for successfully defending your M.S. thesis "A simulation-based data-driven analysis for improving collaboration between food bank facilities before and after natural disasters".

June 2021 - Pérez and undergraduate student Logan Taunton got their article “A Simulation-Optimization Approach to Improve the Allocation of Airport Security Screening Resources in Airport Terminal Checkpoints” accepted for publication in the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings.

June 2021 - Pérez got his article “A Simulation-Driven Online Scheduling Algorithm for the Maintenance and Operation of Wind Farm Systems” accepted for publication in the SIMULATION journal.

May 2021 - Dr. Perez receives DHS Grant - "A Simulation-Based Data Driven Approach to Manage the Allocation of Airport Security Screening Resources in Airport Terminal Checkpoints"

May 2021 - Pérez and colleagues got their article “A Decision-Making Model to Optimize the Impact of Community-Based Programs” accepted for publication in the Preventive Medicine journal.

April 2021 - Dr. Perez presented his research on Trauma Care to the Center for Healthcare Engineering & Patient Safety at the University of Houston. [Apr. 23, 2021].

April 2021 - Pérez and student Monica Kothamasu got their article “A Stochastic Programming Model for Food Bank Disaster Relief Operations considering Transportation Capacity Limitations” accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the IISE Conference 2021.

March 2021 - Pérez and student Yash Marthak got their article “A Stochastic Programming Model for Tactical Product Prepositioning at Domestic Hunger Relief Organizations Impacted by Natural Disasters” accepted for publication in the Natural Hazards journal.

February 2021 - Pérez and student David P. Dzubay got their article “A Scheduling-Based Methodology for Improving Patient Perceptions of Quality of Care in Intensive Care Units” accepted for publication in the Health Care Management Science journal.

February 2021 - Pérez and student Mahima Sajan got their article “A Decision Support System for Selecting Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices” accepted for publication in the International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering.